Thursday, December 10, 2015

Artifact 4

    This picture is by A. E. Chalon of the Pas De Quatre. With Carlotta Grisi (on the left), Marie Taglinoni ( in the center), me (to the right and back), and Fanny Cerrito to the right in the front. It's to bad that I'm in the back, there should be a saying about "youngest first". Also we all look the same! Like we could be sisters which always isn't a good thing, in dance you want to be the one to stand out not blend in. Our feet look unrealistically small and thin, which is very untrue ESPECIALLY with pointe shoes on. The picture is based off the opening pose to the Pas De Quatre when the curtains come up.

"Pas De Quatre." Wikipedia. 12 Apr. 2015. Web. <>.

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